This colliery commenced operations in the Bulli seam as a small mine, during the World War 2 years of 1942/1943, and was owned by four local persons, Messrs. Williams, Griffiths, Greenalgh and Bowdler. The earliest reference of the mine’s existence is recorded in the 1946 Mines Department Annual Report. The mine cmmenced operations with a Permit Manager, and as the number of employees increased, a fully qualified Colliery Manager was later appointed.

Coal was initially produced, using the Contract system of mining. Following the establishment of the Joint Coal Board in 1947, Battery powered Boring machines were installed.
An Endless rope Haulage was used to haul the small skips, to and from the Surface, where the coal passed through a Screening Plant, and delivered by road, to the Excelsior Colliery Coal Handling Plant.
The mine was ventilated using an Aircraft Propeller, as the Mine Fan.
The output over the life of the mine, is estimated to have been in the range of 150 to 300 tons per day.

A description of the mine’s operations, is provided on page 75 of the 1959 Mines Department Annual Report, where the following Reference is made: “Bulli Main Colliery (Bulli Main Colliery Pty Ltd), is situated about a half mile (0.8 km) to the West, of the passing main road, near Coledale. The output is about 160 tons per day, is won by hand. Most of the coal is taken to Excelsior No.2 Colliery where it was treated, in a Washing Plant, operated by the Excelsior Collieries & Coke Works Ltd. and handled for the sale by that Company, on behalf of the mine Owners.
Mechanised mining commenced in the 1962/3, when two coal Loaders, a coal Cutter and two Shuttle Cars were installed, and followed in the 1967 /8 period, by a Lee Norse 28E Continuous miner.

Due to the small Leasehold area, the life of the mine had a relatively short life, and the Colliery closed, in 197 4.
The 197 4 NSW Mines Department Annual Report note page 60, that a notice of discontinuance of the mine had been received. Working of the coal faces ceased on Friday 5th July 1974, and all entries to the mine were sealed, on 1st June 1974.

Some years after the mine closed, a Surface Land slip occurred, within the area of the mine workings. Several houses on the former surface area above the Mine, slipped down the Slope, and were extensively damage, and the Land Owners claimed that Subsidence from the Mine, was the cause of this land Slip. A Mines Rescue Team examined the area underground, and all of the coal pillars were found to be intact, and there was no evidence, of floor heave. The residents’ claim was rejected.

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