The operation of the South Clifton Colliery taken over by Joint Coal Board.
1951 (a)
The Huntley Colliery purchased by Joint Coal Board.
1951 (b)
Samson cutters and Goodman duck-bill loaders introduced at Coalcliff Colliery.
1952 (a)
Nebo Colliery replaces track mounted Jeffrey design 29L coal cutters and L400 coal loaders with trackless Anderson and Boyes cutters and Joy 11BU Loaders.
1952 (b)
Continuous Miner model 4JCM put in to production at Wongawilli Colliery. This machine was one of first 3 CM’s to enter Australia. One machine was installed at Huntley Colliery and a third was delivered to Queensland.
1952 (c)
Mine ventilation fan installed at South Kembla Colliery on abandoned mine entries linked to the Wongawilli Colliery underground workings.
Last shipment of coal from Bellambi jetty by the South Bulli Colliery
Kemira Tunnel completed with the existing underground to surface endless rope incline haulage, screening plant, steam locomotives and coal haulage to government rail line at North Wollongong taken out of service.
1954 (b)
Electricity Commission of N.S.W. takes control of Huntley Colliery.
1954 (c)
Scraper loaders replaced by Jeffrey equipment at South Bulli Colliery.
1954 (d)
No.2 Ventilation shaft at South Bulli Colliery reaches coal.
1954 (e)
Duckbill loaders withdrawn for Coalcliff.
1954 (f)
Kembla Coal & Coke purchases Coalcliff Colliery.
1954 (g)
Inclined drift with belt conveyors replaces downcast shaft skip winder at Metropolitan Colliery
1954 (h)
South Clifton Colliery purchased by S & M Fox.
1954 (i)
Conveyor belts replace endless rope haulage at South Clifton Colliery.
Kemira Tunnel completed.
1955 (a)
Endless rope incline haulage replaced by friction winder and 4 x 15 ton wagons at Corrimal Colliery.
1955 (b)
Continuous miners introduced at South Clifton, Bulli & Kemira Colliery
1955 (c)
Bellambi jetty washed away.
1955 (d)
Mt. Keira Colliery renamed Kemira Colliery.
1957 (a)
Darkes Forest Colliery ventilation/man access shaft, commissioned.
1957 (b)
250 Volt D.C. cable reel shuttle cars introduced at Nebo Colliery.
Bulli Seam found to exist in a locally thickened area at Wongawilli Colliery.
1959 (a)
Incline friction hoist and 4x 15ton wagons replaced with a decline belt conveyor at Wongawilli Colliery.
1959 (b)
Contract mining ceased at South Bulli Colliery.
1959 (c)
Contract mining ceased at Coalcliff Colliery.
1959 (d)
Site work commences at Appin Colliery to sink two incline drifts and two shafts.
Conveyor belt fire at Port Kembla No.2 Colliery.
Production from Bulli Seam commences at Wongawilli colliery.
1962 (a)
Excelsior No.2 colliery closed.
1962 (b)
Appin Colliery commences production.
1963 (a)
Central haulage System from Wongawilli and Tongarra seams installed at Huntley Colliery.
1963 (b)
First fully mechanised retreat Longwall mining system in Australia installed at Coalcliff Colliery in February 1963.Withdrawn in December 1963.
1964 (a)
A.I.S. takes over Corrimal Colliery.
1964 (b)
Port Kembla No.2 Colliery closes
1964 (c)
Coal loader at Inner Harbour Port Kembla commissioned
1964 (d)
First coal contract with Japan completed by South Bulli Colliery.
1965 (a)
Corrimal and Kemira Colliery workings connected by an underground above seam storage bin to enable coal mined in Corrimal to be transported to the Kemira Valley coal handling plant.
1965 (b)
A second fully mechanised retreat longwall mining system installed at Coalcliff Colliery in Nov.1964.Unsuccessful and withdrawn in August 1965.
1965 (c)
AIS purchases Metropolitan Colliery
1965 (d)
First successful fully mechanised retreat longwall mining system installed at Kemira Colliery.
1965 (e)
No3 Ventilation Shaft completed at South Bulli.
1965 (f)
Fully mechanised retreat longwall mining system installed at South Bulli Colliery.
Huntley Colliery supplies first export order using a temporary washery.
AIS opens Tom Thumb Colliery at the Bulli seam outcrop in Kemira Valley.
1968 (a)
AIS installs a mechanised mining system at Mt Kembla Colliery using front end loaders.
1968 (b)
Coal preparation plant installed at Huntley Colliery.
1968 (c)
The Dombarton Colliery opens at West Dapto.( Equipment transferred to Yellow Rock Colliery in 1972)
Retreat longwall mining unit installed at Appin Colliery.
1970 (a)
Two additional retreat longwall mining units installed at South Bulli. Off shore ship loading facility at South Clifton proposed by Clutha. Proposal abandoned in 1971
1970 (b)
Corrimal No3 Shaft Bulk hoist skip winder commissioned. This coal haulage system replaced the earlier Corrimal to Kemira Collieries underground storage bin, belt conveyor transport system.
1971 (a)
Shortwall mining system using continuous miner and shuttle cars installed at Corrimal Colliery. Sinking of No 1 Shaft completed at Wongawilli Colliery
1971 (b)
Tom Thumb Colliery closes after extracting all the coal reserves available in the mines leases.
1971 (c)
Darkes Forest mine opens to mine the western leases of the Coalcliff Colliery. The mine workings remaining linked for materials supply and coal handling services.
1972 (a)
Mine ventilation fan installed on No1 Shaft at Wongawilli Colliery.
1972 (b)
South Clifton and North Bulli Collieries closed by Clutha.
1972 (c)
Retreat longwall mining unit at Kemira Colliery ceases production.
1972 (d)
Shaft sinking commences at Coalcliff Colliery.
South Clifton and North Bulli Collieries purchase from Clutha by a new owner. North Bulli reopened for a short time.
Production commences at Westcliff Colliery Appin
1977 (a)
Underground connection completed at Kemira Colliery from the Bulli seam to the Wongawilli seam and the Wongawilli seam to the Kemira Tunnel. Mining commences in the Wongawilli seam.
1977 (b)
The No4 Ventilation shaft reaches the Bulli seam at South Bulli.
1979 (a)
Cordeaux Colliery west of Mt Keira commences production
1979 (b)
Underground explosion at Appin Colliery kills 14 men.