Hoskins Iron & Steel create merger with Dorman Long Co.etc. to form A.I.S.
South Bulli Colliery surface to seam No.1 Shaft reaches the Bulli Seam.
Messrs. Parkes Tongarra mine (see Owen’s Tongarra — 1910) opens. Worked for about 2 years
1933 (a)
Mount Pleasant Colliery closes.
1933 (b)
Coal leases and abandoned plant of the South Kembla mine purchased by Hoskins Iron and Steel later Australian Iron and Steel
Mount Pleasant Colliery purchased by E. Vickery and sons, owners of Mt. Keira Mine.
1935 (a)
BHP Co. purchase major shareholding in A.I.S.
1935 (b)
First Arcwall coal cutter installed at South Bulli Colliery.
1935 (c)
A.I.S. purchase the Bulli Colliery.
Mount Kembla Extended Colliery closes.
A.I.S. purchase Mt. Keira Colliery and Mt. Pleasant Colliery from E.Vickery & Sons.
1937 (b)
Coal cutting machines installed and operated as part of the contract system of mining at the Wongawilli Colliery.
1938 (a)
Coke-works at Wongawilli closed — reopened in 1941 because of wartime demands.
1938 (b)
Mount Pleasant Mine power station rehabilitated to supply the Mount Keira Colliery via an overhead power line with a power supply to commence the installation of mechanized mining equipment underground. This supply was extended by an overhead power line to the mine ventilation fan at the No1 shaft to enable the steam power drive on the fan to be replaced with an electric motor drive system.
Jeffrey coal cutters introduced at Corrimal Colliery and operated as part of the contract system of mining.


1940 (a)
Tongarra Colliery purchased by Excelsior Collieries. (See Parkes Tongarra-1932).
1940 (b)
A high capacity overhead power line system erected to supply power to the Wongawilli, Mt Keira and Bulli Collieries from the Port Kembla Steelworks.
The mechanized system of loading coal introduced at Metropolitan Colliery using Joy Mnfct. model 8BU gathering arm, coal loading machines.
1941 (b)
Coke works at Wongawilli re-opened to support PK Steelworks WW2 production.
1941 (c)
Port Kembla No.2 Colliery opens on the escarpment South West of Unanderra.
1942 (a)
Kemira Colliery becomes the first colliery in Australia to operate a diesel loco underground.
1942 (b)
North Bulli Colliery re-opens.
1942 (c)
Bulli Jetty at Sandon Point last used.
Bulli Jetty at Sandon Point washed away in storm.
Coalcliff Colliery taken over by Commonwealth Commissioner.
A.I.S. purchases Mt. Kembla Colliery.
1946 (a)
Nebo Colliery opens with Jeffrey design track mounted cutters and loaders as the first mine to open, as a completely mechanised mine.
1946 (b)
Wongawilli Seam worked from the outcrop at Mt Keira (in addition to Bulli seam).
1946 (c)
Huntley Colliery commences as small privately owned mine.
1947 (a)
Track mounted Jeffrey cutting and loading machines introduced at Wongawilli Colliery.
1947 (b)
Scraper loaders installed at South Bulli Colliery.
1947 (c)
The 1944 Commonwealth Control applied to Coalcliff Colliery removed.
1948 (a)
Coke works and washery at Wongawilli finally closed.
1948 (b)
Excelsior No.1 closed.
1948 (c)
Work commences on driving the Kemira Tunnel from Kemira Valley. Project attracts a bitter union dispute between the Miners Federation and Australian Workers Union (AWU). Kemira Tunnel Arbitration Act was enacted and settled the matter in favour of the AWU.
1949 (a)
Contract mining at Bulli Colliery ceases.
1949 (b)
Contract mining at Mt Keira Colliery ceases.