Shoobert’s mine at Mt Keira closed..
Shoobert sells his Mt Keira mine to Mr. Henry Osborne.
Thomas Hale opens a mine near Woonona.
First coal shipped from Hales Mine to Bellambi Harbour — 11/11/1857.
Henry Osborne opens mine in the Bulli Seam on Mt Keira.
Second Bellambi mine opened by Taylor, Walker and Longmore.
Tramway from Osborne’s mine opens.
Tunnel driven at the site of the Bulli Mine and plans prepared for a tramway to Bellambi Point from Bulli.
Mt. Keira Tramway opened from mine incline to Belmore Basin.
Mount Pleasant Colliery opens on the escarpment behind Balgownie.
Hale’s mine at Woonona closes.
Bulli Mine opens, and a Jetty is erected at Sandon Point.
First coal shipped from Bulli mine to Sandon Point Jetty.
Horse drawn Tramway opened from Bulli Colliery to Sandon Point.
Taylor, Walker and Longmore declared insolvent.(Russell Vale mine etc…)
250ft (76ms) of Bulli Colliery Jetty at Sandon Point washed away.
1864 (c)
Decision to erect coal staiths at Wollongong Harbour.
1867 (a)
Bulli Colliery jetty at Sandon Point partly washed away, causing the deaths of four men.
1867 (b)
Steam locomotive (Built in NSW) replaces horses on Bulli to Sandon Point line.
Second extension of the Basin at Wollongong opened and named Belmore Basin by Countess Belmore wife of Governor of NSW. Coal staiths also completed.
Self acting incline haulage with ability to power underground haulages installed at Mt. Pleasant Colliery.
First coke made from ovens located adjacent to Wollongong Harbour.
The Jetty mine (later Coal Cliff Colliery) opened with tunnels driven in the Bulli Seam from the sea cliffs mine and a ship loading jetty erected.
1878 (a)
The North Bulli Coal and Iron Mining Company open a mine near Coledale.
1878 (b)
Jetty at Jetty Mine partly destroyed by heavy seas. Jetty re-built at a higher level.
1878 (c)
Steam loco used for haulage of coal on Mt. Keira Colliery Tramway.
1878 (d)
Pioneer Kerosene Shale mine closes at Mt Kembla
Underground Furnace and vertical shaft mine ventilation system installed at the Jetty mine.
Tee Jetty and steam powered Crane erected at Belmore Basin (Remnants remain)
Jetty mine jetty destroyed again. Caused mine closure for 4 months.
1882 (a)
Tunnel opened in the No2 or Balgownie seam at Bulli Colliery.
1882 (b)
Woonona Colliery reopened.
1882 (c)
Mount Kembla Colliery opens mine in the Bulli Seam.
Mount Kembla Coal and Oil Co. complete the construction of a jetty at Red Point (Port Kembla).
1884 (a)
North Illawarra No.1 Colliery opened by the North Illawarra Coal Mining Co. on site of the colliery started in 1878 by North Bulli Coal and Iron Co.
1884 (b)
North Illawarra No.2 Colliery opened by the North Illawarra Coal Mining Co.at Austinmer.
1884 (c)
Capt. Osborne proposes to open colliery under Mt. Corrimal.
1884 (d)
Steam locomotive haulage introduced from Mount Pleasant Colliery sidings to Belmore Basin.
1885 (a)
South Bulli Coal Mining Co. opens mine on old Russell Vale Colliery site.
1885 (b)
Broker’s Nose Colliery opens in the Bulli seam under the Broker’s Nose.
1886 (a)
Coke ovens opened near the Wollongong to Bulli Road at Corrimal.
1886 (b)
Government rail link from Waterfall to Clifton completed.
1886 (c)
Shaft sinking commenced for Metropolitan Colliery at Camp Creek Helensburgh
1886 (d)
North Mount Pleasant Tunnel opens, 2km north of original mine entry Tunnel
1887 (a)
Southern Coal Co. opens jetty at Red Point Port Kembla.
1887 (b)
Austinmer Colliery opens.
1887 (c)
Bulli Disaster — 81 miners killed. Methane Gas ignition resulting from shotfiring at the coal face in the Hill End District of the mine
Brokers Nose Colliery closed
1888 (a)
Bellambi Coal Co. established.
1888 (b)
Australian Coke making Co. (ACM) opens a coke making plant at Unanderra
1888 (c)
Work commences on the opening of a mine by the Southern Coal Company at Mt Kembla. Works included the construction of an incline rail line and jetty at Red Point Port Kembla.
1889 (a)
Abandoned Woonona mine reopened as the Model Colliery by the Bellambi Coal Company
1889 (b)
First 20 of total of 40 coke ovens in service at Sandon Point Bulli Coke works.
1899 (c)
Southern Coal Co takes up a lease to operate Corrimal Colliery.
1889 (d)
Corrimal coal shipped to Southern Coal Co. jetty at Port Kembla.
1890 (a)
South Bulli Colliery purchased by Ebenezer Vickery
1890 (b)
Naked lights re-introduced into Bulli Colliery, having been withdrawn following the 1887 disaster.
Southern Coal Co. mine at Mt. Kembla abandoned.
1892 (a)
Coalcliff Colliery purchased by Ebenezer Vickery.
1892 (b)
Coke ovens at Wollongong Harbour demolished.
1892 (c)
South Clifton Colliery opened by Messrs. Saywell and Wilson.
Bulli Coal Co. opens a Salt Works at Bulli Point using slack coal as a fuel.
Two Salt Works plants opened at Austinmer.
Austinmer aka North Bulli aka North Illawarra No2 Colliery closes.
Unanderra Coke Works of (ACM) closed.
North Illawarra No1 Colliery closes at Coledale.
1899 (a)
(ACM) Unanderra coke ovens re-opened.
1899 (b)
Furnace ventilation system at the Jetty mine at Coalcliff discontinued.
1899 (c)
Ebenezer. Vickery purchased Mt Keira Colliery.
1899 (d)
Mt. Lyell Co. open a coke works at Port Kembla using Mt Kembla Colliery coal.
1899 (e)
Furnace shaft mine ventilation at Jetty mine replaced with a Schiele Mechanical Fan